कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

~ Sanskrit Sloka, meaning

'One should work earnestly without always thinking about the fruits 
their work might bear'

Work Experience

2023 Nov- Assistant
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
CASA: Centre for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications, Mathematics and Computer Science Department
Group: Computational Illumination Optics
2022-2023 Independent
Hasselt University, Belgium
Project: AdaPore: rigorous and fully adaptive model selection for multiphase flow through porous media.
Developed guaranteed, robust and efficient a-posteriori estimators for general nonlinear elliptic problems (click here for the FreeFem codes). Used the results for a rigorous and adaptive linearization algorithm for the Richards equation.
2021-2022 Post-Doc Radboud University, The Netherlands Advisor: Dr. S. Sonner
I investigated the PDE-PDE & PDE-ODE models arising from spread of biofilms. Biofilm equations are nonlinear degenate parabolic equations couple to a substrate equation by the source term. We looked into the existence-uniqueness of weak solutions, as well as, travelling wave solutions, their stability, and in general spreading behaviour of the biofilms.
2020-2021 Post-Doc INRIA Paris, France Advisor: Prof. M. Vohralik
Project: ERC Consolidator Gatipor: We derived robust and locally space-time efficient a-posteriori error bounds for fully degenerate Richards equation, and demonstrated the efficiency of the estimators numerically. The FreeFem+ codes can be found in this github repository .
2019-2020 Post-Doc TU Dortmund, Germany Advisor: Prof. B. Schweizer
Formulating as a one and higher dimensional TW problem, we proved the existence of finger solutions having a free-boundary. The predictions were validated numerically by an adaptive algorithm.


2015-2019 PhD Advisor:
Funding: Shell-NWO Computational Sciences for Energy Research grant, UHasselt BOF17BL04.
Thesis: Mathematical Complexities in Porous Media Flow
Award: cum laude (highest award in the Netherlands awarded to top 5%)
Topic: On numerical and applied analysis of multiphase flow through porous media. Modelling of non-equilibrium effects, and computation.

2010-2015 B. Tech-M. Tech,
Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kharagpur, India Cumulative GPA: 8.84/10
Additional GPA: 7.47/10
  • Received Honourable Mention from the institute for outstanding performance in both academics and extracurricular activities.
  • Ranked 2nd in the department
  • Captain of the institute Maths Olympiad (Gold winning) and Product Design (Silver winning) teams.

Fellowship, Grants, and Awards

Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship FWO (Research Foundation Flanders) 2022-25
Was awarded this prestigious fellowship for a 3 year independent researcher position (~250,000€) in Hasselt University (20% success rate).
Oracle for Research Grant Oracle 2023-24
Awarded 12,500€ of cloud credit for the project AAMPS: Adaptive and AI-assisted model-selection and parallelisation in subsurface flow applications
Akademia mobility scheme Equinor 2022
Awarded a travel grant (15000 NOK) to visit University of Bergen (Norway) for collaboration.
NDNS+ grant (2500€) , Radboud internationalization grant (2500€) 2022
Received the grants for the organization of the Nonlinear Diffusion Equation & Applications in Biology conference.
Student Travel Award InterPore Scoiety 2019
Selected among 30 applicants to receive the travel award for participating in the Interpore 2019 conference.

Teaching and Supervision

Co-supervising doctoral thesis of A. Javed Hasselt University 2022-
Co-supervising masters thesis of J.A. Geurts Radboud University 2024-
Responsible lecturer for Math 2, Electrical and Automative Engineering (>250 students) TU Eindhoven 2024
Supervisor masters thesis of K.T.W. Menting, TU Eindhoven 2023-24
Instructor for Analysis I course, Mathematics TU Eindhoven 2023-24
Co-supervised masters thesis of R.K.H. Smeets Radboud University 2022-23
Lecturer of bachelors course Discrete & continuous dynamical systems, Physics Hasselt University 2023
Co-lecturer of bachelors course Partial differential equations, Mathematics Hasselt University 2023
Lecturer of masters course Sobolev spaces & PDEs, Mathematics
  • Course rated 8.7/10
  • Awarded Pluim prize by the Programme Committee of Mathematics.
Radboud University 2022
Co-supervised bachelor thesis of I.C. Bloo & M.E. Rinner Radboud University 2021-22
Co-supervised masters thesis of S.B. Lunowa & F. List TU Eindhoven 2017-18
Correcter for Analysis I course, Mathematics department TU Dortmund 2019-20
Teaching assistant, Dynamics course, Mechanical Engineering department TU Eindhoven 2016-18
Teaching assistant, Mathematics I course, Mathematics department TU Eindhoven 2017
Teaching assistant, Signals course, Electrical Engineering department TU Eindhoven 2017
Voluntary teacher at Sramajibi Vidyalaya for underpriviledged children West Bengal, India 2013-15
Mentor in Student Mentorship Programme IIT Kharagpur 2012-14


Conference/Worshop Organization

24-27 June, 2024Hasselt, Belgium Summer School: Adaptive methods and a posteriori error estimation
Co-organizers: Prof. I.S. Pop, Prof. F. Vermolen, Prof. J. Schuetz Prof. M. Vohralik (Inria Paris), Dr. E. Ahmed (SINTEF), and I gave detailed lectures.
Number of participants ~ 40
6-8 July, 2022Nijmegen, The Netherlands Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Applications in Biology
12 invited speakers and 40 attendees including modellers in mathematical biology and experts in differential equations.
Co-organizers: Dr. S. Sonner, V. Hissink Muller

Minisymposium Organization

4-8 Sep, 2023Lisbon, Portugal ENUMATH
Robust numerical methods for nonlinear problems in biology 10 invited speakers, 3 sessions.
Dr. Q. Peng, Dr. T. Köppl
19-22 June, 2023Bergen, Norway SIAM Geosciences
Iterative methods for porous media applications 8 invited speakers, 2 sessions.
Co-organizer: Dr. S.B. Luonwa

Departmental work

2024 Jan- Co-organizer CASA colloduium
2023 Dec- Member of the ICT Operations committee (M&CS dept)


2013-15 Portable Diagnostic Center (PDC)
  • Designed and manufactured microfluidic CD-based diagnostic device with two other partners.
  • Won numerous accolades and grants including prestigious Unconvention|L Pitch, Kshitij 2014.


2014 Summer CD-Adapco, Bangalore, India Investigation on breakup of finite sized droplet filaments
  • Validated droplet breakup phenomenon using VOF method with Star-CCM+.
  • Results published by the company at $\mu$-TAS 2014 conference.
2013 Summer+Winter Whirlpool India Ltd, Pune, India Mathematical modelling of oven door hinges
  • Analysed patented oven door hinges of the suppliers.
  • Produced patentable alternate designs that have the same performance.
  • Won the `Best Internship Award'.
2012 Summer Hindalco Industries Ltd, Kolkata, India Stress analysis of Tension Leveler
Analysed and automated buckling removal process of Tension Leveler machine.